A rare total solar eclipse will pass directly over Carbondale, IL on the afternoon of August 21, so Sones de Mexico Ensemble is heading there to present “Beyond the Music: A Musical Geography of Mexico” (a total eclipse passed over Mexico City in 1991) outdoors at Lemus Turley Park, 109 N Glenview in Carbondale.
Day becomes night. Temperatures drop. Jupiter, Venus and Mercury come into view. Birds retreat to their nests, and cicadas, crickets and frogs get loud.
The total eclipse occurs at exactly 1:21PM. There will be music both before and after, starting with Zenen Zeferino from Veracruz, Mexico with the Encuentro de Jaraneros of the Midwest. After a break to view the eclipse, Sones de México will perform beginning at 2PM.
Watch this space for more details and special treats, and join us on the Dark Side of the Moon.
“Beyond the Music: A Musical Geography of Mexico” is made possible with the support of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Check back with us for a live Broadcast on August 21, 2017 1pm CST